sparkMeasure (homepage)

SparkMeasure is a tool for performance troubleshooting of Apache Spark workloads. It simplifies the collection and analysis of Spark task metrics data.

@LucaCanali / (0)

sparkMeasure is a tool for performance troubleshooting of Apache Spark workloads.
It simplifies the collection and analysis of Spark performance metrics. It is also intended as a working example of how to use Spark listeners for collecting and processing Spark executors task metrics data.
Use for interactive and batch workloads:
- Interactive: measure and analyze performance from shell or notebooks: using spark-shell (Scala), pyspark (Python) or Jupyter notebooks.
- Code instrumentation: add calls in your code to deploy sparkMeasure custom Spark listeners and/or use the classes StageMetrics/TaskMetrics and related APIs for collecting, analyzing and saving metrics data.
- "Flight Recorder" mode: this records all performance metrics automatically and saves data for later processing.

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How to

This package doesn't have any releases published in the Spark Packages repo, or with maven coordinates supplied. You may have to build this package from source, or it may simply be a script. To use this Spark Package, please follow the instructions in the README.


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