spark-fim (homepage)

A library of scalable frequent itemset mining algorithms based on Spark

@chen-lin / (1)

spark-fim is a library of scalable frequent itemset mining algorithms based on Spark. It includes:

PHybridFIN - A parallel frequent itemset mining algorithm based on a novel data structure named HybridNodeset to represent itemsets. It achieves a significantly better performance on different datasets when the minimum support decreases comparing to the FP-Growth algorithm which is implemented in Spark MLlib.


  • 1|data mining
  • 1|frequent itemset mining
  • 1|association rule mining

How to

This package doesn't have any releases published in the Spark Packages repo, or with maven coordinates supplied. You may have to build this package from source, or it may simply be a script. To use this Spark Package, please follow the instructions in the README.


No releases yet.