spark-infotheoretic-feature-selection (homepage)

Feature Selection framework based on Information Theory that includes: mRMR, InfoGain, JMI and other commonly used FS filters.

@sramirez / (8)

This package contains a generic implementation of greedy Information Theoretic Feature Selection (FS) methods. The implementation is based on the common theoretic framework presented by Gavin Brown. Implementations of mRMR, InfoGain, JMI and other commonly used FS filters are provided.


  • 3|machine learning
  • 3|mllib
  • 3|feature-selection
  • 3|info-theory
  • 1|JMI

How to

Include this package in your Spark Applications using:

spark-shell, pyspark, or spark-submit

> $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages sramirez:spark-infotheoretic-feature-selection:1.4.4


If you use the sbt-spark-package plugin, in your sbt build file, add:

spDependencies += "sramirez/spark-infotheoretic-feature-selection:1.4.4"


resolvers += "Spark Packages Repo" at ""

libraryDependencies += "sramirez" % "spark-infotheoretic-feature-selection" % "1.4.4"


In your pom.xml, add:
  <!-- list of dependencies -->
  <!-- list of other repositories -->


Version: 1.4.4 ( 1bc75a | zip | jar ) / Date: 2017-09-25 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.11

Version: 1.4.0 ( 89c3b0 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2017-06-02 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.11

Version: 1.3.1 ( a884d2 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2016-04-26 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Version: 1.3 ( dbda12 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2016-02-23 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Version: 1.2 ( fc9f94 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2015-12-18 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Spark Scala/Java API compatibility: - 55% , - 100% , - 10% , - 57% , - 50% , - 57%

Version: 1.1 ( c99227 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2015-07-21 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Spark Scala/Java API compatibility: - 96% , - 12% , - 100% , - 59% , - 100%

Version: 1.0 ( 003664 | zip | jar ) / Date: 2015-07-16 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Spark Scala/Java API compatibility: - 100% , - 96% , - 12% , - 100% , - 59%

Version: 0.1 ( aaa29d | zip | jar ) / Date: 2015-04-29 / License: Apache-2.0 / Scala version: 2.10

Spark Scala/Java API compatibility: - 14% , - 100% , - 14% , - 92%