Binary compatibility report for the spark-indexedrdd-0.1 library between 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 versions (relating to the portability of client application spark-indexedrdd-0.1.jar)
Test Info
Library Name | spark-indexedrdd-0.1 |
Version #1 | 1.1.0 |
Version #2 | 1.2.0 |
Java Version | 1.7.0_75 |
Test Results
Total Java ARchives | 1 |
Total Methods / Classes | 64 / 1110 |
Verdict | Incompatible (18.8%) |
Problem Summary
| Severity | Count |
Added Methods | - | 9 |
Removed Methods | High | 3 |
Problems with Data Types | High | 12 |
Medium | 0 |
Low | 0 |
Problems with Methods | High | 9 |
Medium | 0 |
Low | 0 |
Added Methods (9)
spark-core_2.10-1.2.0.jar, StorageLevel.class
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._deserialized_.eq ( boolean p1 ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._replication ( ) : int
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._replication_.eq ( int p1 ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._useDisk_.eq ( boolean p1 ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._useMemory_.eq ( boolean p1 ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
StorageLevel.StorageLevel.._useOffHeap_.eq ( boolean p1 ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/storage/]
spark-core_2.10-1.2.0.jar, TaskContext.class
package org.apache.spark
TaskContext.get ( ) [static] : TaskContext
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.get:()Lorg/apache/spark/TaskContext;]
TaskContext.isRunningLocally ( ) [abstract] : boolean
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.isRunningLocally:()Z]
TaskContext.TaskContext ( )
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext."<init>":()V]
to the top
Removed Methods (3)
spark-core_2.10-1.1.0.jar, TaskContext.class
package org.apache.spark
TaskContext.markInterrupted ( ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.markInterrupted:()V]
TaskContext.markTaskCompleted ( ) : void
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.markTaskCompleted:()V]
TaskContext.TaskContext ( int stageId, int partitionId, long attemptId, boolean runningLocally, executor.TaskMetrics taskMetrics )
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext."<init>":(IIJZLorg/apache/spark/executor/TaskMetrics;)V]
to the top
Problems with Data Types, High Severity (12)
package org.apache.spark
[+] TaskContext (12)
| Change | Effect |
1 | This class became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
2 | Method addTaskCompletionListener ( util.TaskCompletionListener ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
3 | Method addTaskCompletionListener ( scala.Function1<TaskContext,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
4 | Method attemptId ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
5 | Method isCompleted ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
6 | Method isInterrupted ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
7 | Method partitionId ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
8 | Method runningLocally ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
9 | Method stageId ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
10 | Method taskMetrics ( ) became abstract. | A client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
11 | Removed super-interface scala.Serializable. | A client program may be interrupted by NoSuchMethodError exception. |
12 | Abstract method isRunningLocally ( ) has been added to this class. | This class became abstract and a client program may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] affected methods (9)
addTaskCompletionListener ( util.TaskCompletionListener )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
addTaskCompletionListener ( scala.Function1<TaskContext,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
attemptId ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
isCompleted ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
isInterrupted ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
partitionId ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
runningLocally ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
stageId ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
taskMetrics ( )This method is from 'TaskContext' class.
to the top
Problems with Methods, High Severity (9)
spark-core_2.10-1.1.0.jar, TaskContext
package org.apache.spark
[+] TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener ( util.TaskCompletionListener listener ) : TaskContext (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener:(Lorg/apache/spark/util/TaskCompletionListener;)Lorg/apache/spark/TaskContext;]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener ( scala.Function1<TaskContext,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f ) : TaskContext (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener:(Lscala/Function1;)Lorg/apache/spark/TaskContext;]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.attemptId ( ) : long (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.attemptId:()J]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.isCompleted ( ) : boolean (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.isCompleted:()Z]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.isInterrupted ( ) : boolean (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.isInterrupted:()Z]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.partitionId ( ) : int (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.partitionId:()I]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.runningLocally ( ) : boolean (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.runningLocally:()Z]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.stageId ( ) : int (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.stageId:()I]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
[+] TaskContext.taskMetrics ( ) : executor.TaskMetrics (1)
[mangled: org/apache/spark/TaskContext.taskMetrics:()Lorg/apache/spark/executor/TaskMetrics;]
| Change | Effect |
1 | Method became abstract.
| A client program trying to create an instance of the method's class may be interrupted by InstantiationError exception. |
to the top
Java ARchives (1)
to the top
Generated on Wed Apr 1 18:32:30 2015 for spark-indexedrdd-0.1 by Java API Compliance Checker 1.4.1
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a Java library API