JavaSchemaRDD ( SQLContext, catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan )1st parameter 'sqlContext' of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
sqlContext ( )Return value of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
JavaSQLContext ( SQLContext )1st parameter 'sqlContext' of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
sqlContext ( )Return value of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
SchemaRDD ( SQLContext, catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan )1st parameter 'sqlContext' of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
sqlContext ( )Return value of this method has type 'SQLContext'.
analyzer ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
applySchema ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<catalyst.expressions.Row>, catalyst.types.StructType )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
applySchemaToPythonRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<java.lang.Object[ ]>, java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
applySchemaToPythonRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<java.lang.Object[ ]>, catalyst.types.StructType )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
approxCountDistinct ( catalyst.expressions.Expression, double )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
autoBroadcastJoinThreshold ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
avg ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
binaryToLiteral ( byte[ ] )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
booleanToLiteral ( boolean )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
byteToLiteral ( byte )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
cacheTable ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
catalog ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
clear ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
codegenEnabled ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
columnBatchSize ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
count ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
countDistinct ( scala.collection.Seq<catalyst.expressions.Expression> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
createParquetFile ( java.lang.String, boolean, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<A> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
createSchemaRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<A>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<A> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
defaultSizeInBytes ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
dialect ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
doubleToLiteral ( double )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
DslAttribute ( catalyst.expressions.AttributeReference )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
DslExpression ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
DslString ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
DslSymbol ( scala.Symbol )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
emptyResult ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
executePlan ( catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
executeSql ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
first ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
floatToLiteral ( float )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
functionRegistry ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
getAllConfs ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
getConf ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
getConf ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
intToLiteral ( int )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
isCached ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
isParquetBinaryAsString ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
isTraceEnabled ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonFile ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonFile ( java.lang.String, double )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonFile ( java.lang.String, catalyst.types.StructType )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<java.lang.String>, double )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
jsonRDD ( org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD<java.lang.String>, catalyst.types.StructType )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
log ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logDebug ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logDebug ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logError ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logError ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logicalPlanToSparkQuery ( catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logInfo ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logInfo ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logName ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logTrace ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logTrace ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logWarning ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
logWarning ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
longToLiteral ( long )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
lower ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
max ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
min ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
numShufflePartitions ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
org.apache.spark.Logging..log_ ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
org.apache.spark.Logging..log__.eq ( org.slf4j.Logger )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
SQLConf._setter_.settings_.eq ( java.util.Map )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
parquetCompressionCodec ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
parquetFile ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
parseDataType ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
parseSql ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
planner ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
prepareForExecution ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function10<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function11<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function12<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function13<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function14<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function15<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function16<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function17<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function18<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function19<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function1<?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function20<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function21<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function22<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function2<?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function3<?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function4<?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function5<?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function6<?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function7<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function8<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerFunction ( java.lang.String, scala.Function9<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,T>, scala.reflect.api.TypeTags.TypeTag<T> )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
registerRDDAsTable ( SchemaRDD, java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
setConf ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
setConf ( java.util.Properties )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
settings ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
shortToLiteral ( short )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
sparkContext ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
sql ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
SQLContext ( org.apache.spark.SparkContext )This constructor is from 'SQLContext' class.
stringToLiteral ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
sum ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
sumDistinct ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
symbolToUnresolvedAttribute ( scala.Symbol )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
table ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
timestampToLiteral ( java.sql.Timestamp )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
uncacheTable ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
upper ( catalyst.expressions.Expression )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.
useCompression ( )This method is from 'SQLContext' class.