context ( )Return value of this method has type 'SparkContext'.
rdd.RDD ( SparkContext, scala.collection.Seq<Dependency<?>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )1st parameter '_sc' of this method has type 'SparkContext'.
sparkContext ( )Return value of this method has type 'SparkContext'.
accumulable ( R, AccumulableParam<R,T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
accumulableCollection ( R, scala.Function1<R,scala.collection.generic.Growable<T>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<R> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
accumulator ( T, AccumulatorParam<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
addedFiles ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
addedJars ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
addFile ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
addJar ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
addSparkListener ( scheduler.SparkListener )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
appName ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
booleanWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
boolToBoolWritable ( boolean )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
broadcast ( T, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
bytesToBytesWritable ( byte[ ] )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
bytesWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cancelAllJobs ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cancelJob ( int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cancelJobGroup ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cancelStage ( int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
checkpointDir ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
checkpointDir_.eq ( scala.Option<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
checkpointFile ( java.lang.String, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cleaner ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
cleanup ( long )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
clearCallSite ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
clearJobGroup ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
conf ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
dagScheduler ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
dagScheduler_.eq ( scheduler.DAGScheduler )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
defaultMinPartitions ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
defaultParallelism ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
doubleRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions ( rdd.RDD<java.lang.Object> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
doubleToDoubleWritable ( double )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
doubleWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
emptyRDD ( scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
env ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
eventLogger ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
executorEnvs ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
executorMemory ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
files ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
floatToFloatWritable ( float )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
floatWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getAllPools ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getCheckpointDir ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getConf ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getExecutorMemoryStatus ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getExecutorStorageStatus ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getLocalProperties ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getLocalProperty ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getPersistentRDDs ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getPoolForName ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getPreferredLocs ( rdd.RDD<?>, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getRDDStorageInfo ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getSchedulingMode ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
getSparkHome ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
hadoopConfiguration ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
hadoopFile ( java.lang.String, int, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<F> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
hadoopFile ( java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat<K,V>>, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V>, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
hadoopFile ( java.lang.String, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<F> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
hadoopRDD ( org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf, java.lang.Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat<K,V>>, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V>, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
intToIntWritable ( int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
intWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
isLocal ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
isTraceEnabled ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
jarOfClass ( java.lang.Class<?> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
jarOfObject ( java.lang.Object )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
jars ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
listenerBus ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
localProperties ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
log ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logDebug ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logDebug ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logError ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logError ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logInfo ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logInfo ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logTrace ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logTrace ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logWarning ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
logWarning ( scala.Function0<java.lang.String>, java.lang.Throwable )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
longToLongWritable ( long )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
longWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
makeRDD ( scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<T,scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.String>>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
makeRDD ( scala.collection.Seq<T>, int, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
master ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
metadataCleaner ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
newAPIHadoopFile ( java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<F>, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V>, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
newAPIHadoopFile ( java.lang.String, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<F> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
newAPIHadoopRDD ( org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration, java.lang.Class<F>, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
newRddId ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
newShuffleId ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
numericRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.math.Numeric<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
objectFile ( java.lang.String, int, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
Logging..log_ ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
Logging..log__.eq ( org.slf4j.Logger )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext..warnSparkMem ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
parallelize ( scala.collection.Seq<T>, int, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
persistentRdds ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
persistRDD ( rdd.RDD<?> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
rddToAsyncRDDActions ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
rddToOrderedRDDFunctions ( rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>>, scala.math.Ordering<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
rddToPairRDDFunctions ( rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V>, scala.math.Ordering<K> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
rddToSequenceFileRDDFunctions ( rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>>, scala.Function1<K,>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.Function1<V,>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
runApproximateJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function2<TaskContext,scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, partial.ApproximateEvaluator<U,R>, long )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
runJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, scala.Function2<java.lang.Object,U,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
runJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
runJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function2<TaskContext,scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, scala.Function2<java.lang.Object,U,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
runJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function2<TaskContext,scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
sequenceFile ( java.lang.String, int, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V>, scala.Function0<WritableConverter<K>>, scala.Function0<WritableConverter<V>> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
sequenceFile ( java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
sequenceFile ( java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<K>, java.lang.Class<V>, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setCallSite ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setCheckpointDir ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setJobDescription ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setJobGroup ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setLocalProperties ( java.util.Properties )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
setLocalProperty ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.String> )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( java.lang.String, java.lang.String, SparkConf )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
SparkContext ( SparkConf )This constructor is from 'SparkContext' class.
sparkUser ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
startTime ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
stop ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
stringToText ( java.lang.String )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
stringWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
submitJob ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<T>,U>, scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.Object>, scala.Function2<java.lang.Object,U,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>, scala.Function0<R> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
taskScheduler ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
taskScheduler_.eq ( scheduler.TaskScheduler )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
textFile ( java.lang.String, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
union ( rdd.RDD<T>, scala.collection.Seq<rdd.RDD<T>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
union ( scala.collection.Seq<rdd.RDD<T>>, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
unpersistRDD ( int, boolean )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
version ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
wholeTextFiles ( java.lang.String, int )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.
writableWritableConverter ( )This method is from 'SparkContext' class.