Binary compatibility report for the spark-es_2.10-1.0.2 library  between 1.3.0 and 1.1.0 versions   (relating to the portability of client application spark-es_2.10-1.0.2.jar)

Test Info

Library Namespark-es_2.10-1.0.2
Version #11.3.0
Version #21.1.0
Java Version1.7.0_75

Test Results

Total Java ARchives1
Total Methods / Classes323 / 1726

Problem Summary

Added Methods-4
Removed MethodsHigh38
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with

Added Methods (4)

spark-core_2.10-1.1.0.jar, SparkContext.class
package org.apache.spark
SparkContext.ui ( )  :  ui.SparkUI

spark-core_2.10-1.1.0.jar, TaskContext.class
package org.apache.spark
TaskContext.markInterrupted ( )  :  void
TaskContext.markTaskCompleted ( )  :  void
TaskContext.TaskContext ( int stageId, int partitionId, long attemptId, boolean runningLocally, executor.TaskMetrics taskMetrics )

to the top

Removed Methods (38)

spark-core_2.10-1.3.0.jar, RDD<T>.class
package org.apache.spark.rdd
RDD<T>.doubleRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions ( RDD<Object> p1 ) [static]  :  DoubleRDDFunctions
RDD<T>.isEmpty ( )  :  boolean
RDD<T>.numericRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions ( RDD<T> p1, scala.math.Numeric<T> p2 ) [static]  :  DoubleRDDFunctions
RDD<T>.parent ( int j, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> p2 )  :  RDD<U>
RDD<T>.rddToAsyncRDDActions ( RDD<T> p1, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> p2 ) [static]  :  AsyncRDDActions<T>
RDD<T>.rddToOrderedRDDFunctions ( RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>> p1, scala.math.Ordering<K> p2, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K> p3, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V> p4 ) [static]  :  OrderedRDDFunctions<K,V,scala.Tuple2<K,V>>
RDD<T>.rddToPairRDDFunctions ( RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>> p1, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K> p2, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V> p3, scala.math.Ordering<K> p4 ) [static]  :  PairRDDFunctions<K,V>
RDD<T>.rddToSequenceFileRDDFunctions ( RDD<scala.Tuple2<K,V>> p1, scala.reflect.ClassTag<K> p2, scala.reflect.ClassTag<V> p3, org.apache.spark.WritableFactory<K> p4, org.apache.spark.WritableFactory<V> p5 ) [static]  :  SequenceFileRDDFunctions<K,V>
RDD<T>.treeAggregate ( U zeroValue, scala.Function2<U,T,U> seqOp, scala.Function2<U,U,U> combOp, int depth, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> p5 )  :  U
RDD<T>.treeReduce ( scala.Function2<T,T,T> f, int depth )  :  T

spark-core_2.10-1.3.0.jar, SparkContext.class
package org.apache.spark
SparkContext.addFile ( String path, boolean recursive )  :  void
SparkContext.applicationId ( )  :  String
SparkContext.binaryFiles ( String path, int minPartitions )  :  rdd.RDD<scala.Tuple2<String,input.PortableDataStream>>
SparkContext.binaryRecords ( String path, int recordLength, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf )  :  rdd.RDD<byte[ ]>
SparkContext.createSparkEnv ( SparkConf conf, boolean isLocal, scheduler.LiveListenerBus listenerBus )  :  SparkEnv
SparkContext.eventLogCodec ( )  :  scala.Option<String>
SparkContext.eventLogDir ( )  :  scala.Option<String>
SparkContext.executorAllocationManager ( )  :  scala.Option<ExecutorAllocationManager>
SparkContext.getExecutorThreadDump ( String executorId )  :  scala.Option<util.ThreadStackTrace[ ]>
SparkContext.isEventLogEnabled ( )  :  boolean
SparkContext.jobProgressListener ( )  :
SparkContext.killExecutor ( String executorId )  :  boolean
SparkContext.killExecutors ( scala.collection.Seq<String> executorIds )  :  boolean
SparkContext.metricsSystem ( )  :  metrics.MetricsSystem
SparkContext.SparkContext..creationSite ( )  :  util.CallSite
SparkContext.progressBar ( )  :  scala.Option<ui.ConsoleProgressBar>
SparkContext.requestExecutors ( int numAdditionalExecutors )  :  boolean
SparkContext.requestTotalExecutors ( int numExecutors )  :  boolean
SparkContext.schedulerBackend ( )  :  scheduler.SchedulerBackend
SparkContext.schedulerBackend_.eq ( scheduler.SchedulerBackend p1 )  :  void
SparkContext.setCallSite ( util.CallSite callSite )  :  void
SparkContext.statusTracker ( )  :  SparkStatusTracker
SparkContext.ui ( )  :  scala.Option<ui.SparkUI>

spark-core_2.10-1.3.0.jar, TaskContext.class
package org.apache.spark
TaskContext.attemptNumber ( ) [abstract]  :  int
TaskContext.get ( ) [static]  :  TaskContext
TaskContext.isRunningLocally ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
TaskContext.taskAttemptId ( ) [abstract]  :  long
TaskContext.TaskContext ( )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (7)

package org.apache.spark
[+] SparkContext (1)
[+] TaskContext (4)

package org.apache.spark.broadcast
[+] Broadcast<T> (1)

package org.apache.spark.rdd
[+] PairRDDFunctions<K,V> (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (1)

package org.apache.spark.scheduler
[+] LiveListenerBus (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (7)

package org.apache.spark
[+] TaskContext (7)

to the top

Problems with Methods, Low Severity (7)

spark-core_2.10-1.3.0.jar, TaskContext
package org.apache.spark
[+] TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener ( util.TaskCompletionListener p1 ) [abstract]  :  TaskContext (1)
[+] TaskContext.addTaskCompletionListener ( scala.Function1<TaskContext,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> p1 ) [abstract]  :  TaskContext (1)
[+] TaskContext.isCompleted ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean (1)
[+] TaskContext.isInterrupted ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean (1)
[+] TaskContext.partitionId ( ) [abstract]  :  int (1)
[+] TaskContext.stageId ( ) [abstract]  :  int (1)
[+] TaskContext.taskMetrics ( ) [abstract]  :  executor.TaskMetrics (1)

to the top

Java ARchives (1)


to the top

Generated on Fri May 29 12:09:55 2015 for spark-es_2.10-1.0.2 by Java API Compliance Checker 1.4.1  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a Java library API