A community index of third-party packages for Apache Spark.

Showing packages 1 - 21 out of 21 for search "tags:"Graph""

Spark algorithms for building and processing k-nn graphs

@tdebatty / Latest release: 0.13 (2016-02-17) / MIT / (1)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|machine learning

Library for computing centrality for graph nodes

@webgeist / Latest release: 0.11 (2015-08-09) / LGPL-3.0 / (3)

  • 2|graph

Distribtued Topic Modeling on Apache Spark

@intel-analytics / No release yet / (1)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|LDA
  • 1|machine learning

Docker-based, End-to-End, Real-time, Advanced Analytics Big Data Reference Pipeline using Spark, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, ML, MLlib, GraphX, Kafka, Cassandra, Redis, Apache Zeppelin, Spark-Notebook, iPython/Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, H2O Flow, Tachyon,

@fluxcapacitor / No release yet / (3)

  • 2|streaming
  • 2|kafka
  • 1|machine learning

Library for computing clustering coefficient

@SherlockYang / Latest release: 0.1 (2015-10-22) / LGPL-3.0 / (1)

  • 1|graph

A spark package to approximate the diameter of large graphs

@Cecca / Latest release: 0.2.0-s_2.11 (2017-03-09) / Apache-2.0 / (1)

  • 1|graph

CityMap coding test plus 3 solutions, 1 with Spark/GraphX

@fancellu / No release yet / (0)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|example

Large scale, distributed graph processing made easy! Load your graph from multiple formats and compute measures (but not only) 

@sparkling-graph / Latest release: 0.0.7 (2017-05-16) / BSD 2-Clause / (5)

  • 4|graph
  • 3|library
  • 2|example

Compute graphs using Apache GraphX.

@rklick-solutions / No release yet / (2)

  • 2|spark
  • 2|sbt
  • 2|scala

GraphFrames: DataFrame-based Graphs

@graphframes / Latest release: 0.8.4-spark3.5-s_2.12 (2024-07-03) / Apache-2.0 / (10)

  • 5|graph
  • 4|DataFrame

k Betweenness Centrality algorithm for Spark using GraphX

@dmarcous / Latest release: 1.0-s_2.10 (2016-02-29) / Apache-2.0 / (3)

  • 2|graph
  • 1|centrality

k Betweenness Centrality algorithm for Spark using GraphX

@dmarcous / Latest release: 1.0-s_2.10 (2016-03-14) / Apache-2.0 / (2)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|centrality

Officially supported, Apache 2 licensed Neo4j Connector for Apache Spark.

@neo4j-contrib / Latest release: 5.3.1-s_2.13 (2024-07-08) / Apache-2.0 / (1)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|data source
  • 1|database

An implementation of Markov Clustering algorithm for Spark in Scala

@joandre / Latest release: 1.0.0-s_2.11 (2016-08-15) / MIT / (0)

  • 1|graph

An example of Spark GraphX as an analytics engine and Cassandra as persistence layer.

@knoldus / No release yet / (1)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|ex

Graphx Overlapping Community Detection

@bhardwajank / Latest release: 1.0 (2017-01-23) / Apache-2.0 / (0)

  • 1|graph

Implementation of the Loopy Belief Propagation algorithm for Apache Spark

@HewlettPackard / No release yet / (0)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|machine learning

Spark GraphX library to detect causalities across time related events

@aamend / Latest release: 1.0 (2017-07-14) / Apache-2.0 / (1)

  • 1|application
  • 1|graph

GDELT universe from a Spark environment

@aamend / No release yet / (0)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|sql
  • 1|NLP

Implementation of the Batagelj-Zaversnik algorithm

@Jovic92 / No release yet / (0)

  • 1|graph

Spark-based graph processing system demo using GPU

@Kamosphere / Latest release: 1.1 (2020-12-22) / Apache-2.0 / (3)

  • 1|graph
  • 1|CUDA
  • 1|GPU